Upcoming SENDIASS events
View all forthcoming events [https://www.covsendiass.co.uk/events]
Parent/Carer information sessions
Throughout the year, SEND IASS invite parent/carers to join us for sessions aimed at improving knowledge and understanding around different areas of Special Educational Needs and disabilities, and supporting their children and young people.
These sessions are FREE but normally need to be booked in advance. If you are unable to make the session, but would be interested to find out the content, we aim to publish any handouts/information shared on the day on the website as soon as possible following the event - alternatively, we can send out any information in hard copy on request.
If you have any particular areas of support that you think would be useful for SENDIASS to offer through one of these sessions, please let us know either by phone 024 7669 4307 or by email iass@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:iass@coventry.gov.uk].
Watch this space... SENDIASS sessions coming soon!
See our list below of sessions we are hoping to confirm dates for soon!
*Please note these sessions are not yet available for booking, but should be added to our list of 'SENDIASS Events' soon.

Is your Child or Young Person eligible for Home-to-School Travel Assistance?
Do they have SEND and are of statutory school age or post 16?
SENDIASS will be joined by the Coventry Parent Carer Forum (CPCF) along with the Travel Assistance Team (Applications) and the Travel Bureau (Transport Queries), to provide information and advice on Coventry’s Travel Assistance Service and answer your questions around the criteria, forms, applications, appeals, eligibility, and processes.
Proposed Date: 13/05/25
SEND Groups, Sessions and Local Activities
Below is a list of providers and organisations who may be running sessions/groups/activities throughout the year for Children/Young People who have SEND.
Please note these sessions are NOT all ran by SENDIASS so please contact the provider directly for more information / bookings. Information may be subject to change.
*We cannot endorse any organisations, so we suggest you make contact to check suitability etc. prior to any bookings, if necessary. In some cases access may be dependent on meeting an eligibility criteria and charges may apply.
Ladybug Lodge 
Ladybug Lodge offer a range of sessions for children and young people with SEND throughout term time such as; *stay and play sessions, family swimming, preschool sessions, a home education group and dance groups (they also offer an extended range of events, groups and sessions over the holiday periods!).
Find out 'what's on' via the Ladybug Lodge website [https://www.ladybuglodge.co.uk/activities]. [https://ladybuglodge.co.uk/]
Age range: 0-25
The Autism cafe 
For families with children with Autism to meet. Activities are provided for the children and parents can relax and chat over a cup of tea or coffee.
Visit the St. George's Church webpage for more information. [http://www.stgeorgescoventry.org.uk/autism-cafe.html]
Coventry Libraries - Autism Friendly Session
Coventry libraries offer a wide range of sessions including an 'Autism Friendly' session.
Tip: Type 'Autism' in the 'What's on at your local library' search bar
Visit the Coventry Libraries Webpage - 'What's on at your local library' [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/whatsonlibraries]
Coventry VIBES youth club
Coventry and Warwickshire MIND [https://cwmind.org.uk/mind-in-coventry-warwickshire/]offer a youth club called ‘Vibes’ for eligible young people who have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC), and are living in Coventry. The service is designed to meet the needs of young people who are able to independently participate in the activities. Please note the clubs do not have the capacity to provide high level support.
Find out more on the Vibes Webpage [https://cwmind.org.uk/asc-social-clubs/]
Age range: 7-18
Coventry SENDIASS AmbasSENDors Group
For children and young people who have a special educational need/disability and are attending a mainstream school.
AmbasSENDors meet once a month, normally at the Coventry Boys and Girls Club on a Tuesday between 5.30pm and 7pm, with a view of having some fun, socialising with other young people and contributing to discussion about support they receive at school and in the community.
Anyone interested can call SENDIASS on 024 7669 4307 or email iass@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:iass@coventry.gov.uk]
Age range: 11-16
Roots to Branches Autism Network
'Roots to Branches' Autism Network is a self-funded charity. They offer a range of family sessions throughout the year as well as an 11+ youth club.
Visit the 'Roots To Branches' website for more information [https://www.roots2branches.co.uk/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2NEOlzWbqy4AQbBsb0cBqD7Xp4Q5JG16CgEDvLCeCk7lQsdNc-PdI0u3I_aem_P4Fu9SSPNMIYr5G3fwDPUA]
Short Breaks
'Short Breaks' [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/special-educational-needs-disabilities/short-breaks]give children and young people who have a disability the opportunity to join in with an enjoyable activity away from their parents/carers. 'Short Breaks' are available for children and young people who live in Coventry and meet the criteria.
The Community Short Breaks [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/special-educational-needs-disabilities/short-breaks/2] programme offers activities afterschool and at weekends to eligible children throughout term-time ran from various locations across the city. They also offer a holiday programme for half-terms and during the summer holidays. Visit the Community Short Breaks 'what's on' webpage [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/special-educational-needs-disabilities/short-breaks/3] for more information.
Short Breaks also offer eligible families 'Targeted Short Breaks' [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/special-educational-needs-disabilities/short-breaks/4](a support worker for children/YP who require additional support to access activities) and 'Specialist Short Breaks (overnight)' [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/special-educational-needs-disabilities/short-breaks/5]giving families a break from caring responsibilities.
Age range: 5-17

Inclusive Dance Classes, specifically for children with additional needs!
Ladybug Lodge [https://ladybuglodge.co.uk/] have partnered with A scension Dance Company to offer inclusive dance classes for children and young people, specifically for those with additional needs and disabilities!
Visit the Ascension Dance 'Inclusive Groups' website [https://www.ascensiondance.co.uk/inclusivegroups] for more information.
Age range: 4-25
Tiny Tim’s Purple Planet Indoor Soft Play
Tiny Tim's intends on promoting integrated play with equipment designed for children who have SEND in mind. If your child has diagnosed SEND you can apply for a Tiny Tim's dicount card too.
Visit the Tiny Tim's Purple Planet website for more information [https://www.tinytimcentre.co.uk/purpleplanet/special-needs-play-card-revisions/]
The Coventry Wave: Quiet Time Sessions
The Wave offer 'Quiet Time' swimming sessions tailored for children with SEND. These sessions aim to provide a calm and relaxing environment with no music and sensory toys in the lazy river.
The Wave also advertise accessible facilities throughout the centre.
Visit the Wave website for more information [https://thewavecoventry.com/times-prices/]
Coventry Sensory Sessions
Coventry Sensory Team run FREE sessions for children with hearing/and or vision impairement all year round.
Visit the [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/coventry-send-support-service/sensory-team/5]'Coventry Sensory Team' to enquire and find out more [https://cid.coventry.gov.uk/kb5/coventry/directory/service.page?id=nqvMrH1i-Aw]
Midland Mencap
Midland Mencap offer short break and community sessions for eligible children and young people in the Coventry area who have learning disabilities, autism, complex needs, mental health conditions and other associated disorders. These sessions aim to be fun and inclusive for children and young people. Activities include fun play, arts and crafts, sport, cycling and community visits. Sessions are held weekends, after school and in school holidays.
To find out more visit their website [https://midlandmencap.org.uk/local-services/coventry/]
Age range: 5-19
'Ability Counts' Sky Blues in the Community
Ability Counts is a disability programme which offers a chance for young people with disabilities to represent Coventry City FC in an Ability Counts league across a variety of sports.
They offer opportunities to children across the city, as well as respite to parents of SEN children who provide 24-hour support to their loved ones.
Visit the Coventry City Football Club Community Inclusion webpage [https://www.ccfc.co.uk/community/inclusion/]for more information.
ODEON Cinema SEND friendly screenings
Odeon recognise that the typical cinema environment can be stressful for guests with autism, sensory difficulties or learning impairments and now offer Autism friendly sessions as part of their Disability and Accessibility offer. In addition, ODEON have developed screenings with adaptations for sight loss and hearing loss.
Visit the ODEON accessibility webpage for more information. [https://www.odeon.co.uk/accessibility/]
Showcase Cinemas - 'Autism Friendly' screenings
Showcase Cinemas are offering 'Autism Friendly' screenings in partnership with not-for-profit support provider, Dimensions.
Visit the Showcase 'Autism friendly' webpage [https://www.showcasecinemas.co.uk/autism-friendly-screenings/] for more information.
CASS children and young people social groups
Community autism Support Service (CASS) social groups for children and young people in Warwick, Coventry and Nuneaton aim to provide a safe and friendly environment for autistic individuals to connect, share experiences and be their true selves.
Visit the CASS webpage [https://casspartnership.org.uk/] for more information on this service.
Comets Disability Football
Comets Disability Football offer a safe space for children with disabilities to kickstart their local journey. They cater for children of varying abilities and ages and have a wide range of disabilities. Comets sessions are provided by Coundon Court FC and are the club’s latest commitment to ensuring that everyone can access football regardless of background.
Venue: Powerleague Coventry (old Woodlands School)
Comets also run two U12 teams (for children 8-12yrs) who play in the local pan-disability football league once a month. The sessions and the matches are separate. The league is ability-matched to ensure fairness.
Age range: 5-16
Coming soon for 2025! - U16s team (13-16).
For more information contact Adam TEL: 07800930632 or email: adam3harrison@icloud.com
Sherbourne Accessible Scout Group - '66th Coventry'
Fully inclusive & accessible Scout Group run from Sherbourne special school in Coventry.
This group aims to allow young people with additional needs the chance to become involved in Scouting, and show just what incredible things they are really capable of.
Young People with additional needs will have the opportunity to meet new friends, try new things, and gain badges, just as other Scouts around the world do.
For more information visit the 66th Scout Group webpage [https://sites.google.com/view/66thcoventry/home]
Contact: Ian Brown - Group Scout Leader: gsl@66thcoventry.com [mailto:gsl@66thcoventry.com]
Coventry Family Hubs - SEND sessions
Coventry family Hubs have a range of sessions specially targeted for families of children who have SEND.
See 'what's on' via the family [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/2577/family-hub-timetables] hub timetables [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/2577/family-hub-timetables]
Find your local family hub using the 'find your nearest family hub' search function on their website [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/familyhubs]
Octanauts SEND Swim sessions/lessons 
Octanauts are offering a range of SEND swims or lessons (depending on level of need), sessions take place in swimming pools within special schools across Coventry.
For more information visit the Octanauts website. [https://www.octanauts.co.uk/news-and-updates]
Spencers Farm SEN Home Ed group
Do you home educated? Do your children love being outside with animals?
This group is ran by two SEN mums. the session includes crafts, horticulture, animal feeding and more.
Sessions run fortnightly. Spencers Farm retreat, Berkswell.
Visit their FaceBook page for more information [https://www.facebook.com/groups/439618749191492/]
CASS: Autism Minecraft Group
A welcoming, creative online space designed especially for autistic teens!
The Minecraft group offers the chance to:
- Build friendships and social confidence in a safe, supportive environment
- Develop teamwork skills and learn to respect each other's boundaries
- Engage in a fun, creative outlet where you can express yourself
Whether you’re a Minecraft expert or just starting, there’s a place for everyone. Click the link to find out more or to join!
Visit the CASS Website to sign up [https://bit.ly/3YeitNT].
Age range: 13-18
Grapevine offer young people the opportunity to join 'Teenvine Plus' is an intensive development programme for teens with autism or learning disabilities in Coventry. We help learning disabled youngsters to get the friendships, confidence and skills they need in order to mature into independent young adults able to achieve their ambitions.
With individuals - Grapevine [https://www.grapevinecovandwarks.org/what-we-do/strengthening-people/]
Age range: 13-18
Grangers Club
A social club for young people with learning disabilities - a place to meet up with their peers and have fun. Activities include - pool/snooker, table tennis, ball games, arts and crafts, cooking, dominoes and other table activities.
Coventry Information Directory | Grangers Club [https://cid.coventry.gov.uk/kb5/coventry/directory/service.page?id=aE523c1Y1u8]
Age range: 14 - 24
EGO Creative Academy
Creative group for people aged 18+ with a learning disability and/or autism.
EGO Arts | Art for everyone [https://egoarts.co.uk/]
Age range: 18+
Chat Central
Sessions aim to help those aged 18+ to meet new people and get involved in new activities in an inclusive environment.
Chat Central - Voluntary Action Coventry [https://www.vacoventry.org.uk/chat-central/]
Age range: 18+
‘Help and Connect’ is for autistic and learning-disabled people in Coventry to make a plan, get connections, get work, stay healthy and stay safe.
With individuals - Grapevine [https://www.grapevinecovandwarks.org/what-we-do/strengthening-people/]
Age range: 18+
Enterprise Club
The Enterprise Club is a fun and friendly social club for anyone aged 18+ with a physical, sensory, or learning disability to meet up, learn new skills and enjoy being part of a supportive group of people.
https://www.enterpriseclub.org.uk/ [https://www.enterpriseclub.org.uk/]
Age range: 18+
Other websites with Information on activities/sessions and groups taking place in and around Coventry
‘Coventry Family Information Directory’
The Coventry family Information Directory may have further information of clubs, groups and sessions that may be of interest to you:
Coventry Information Directory | Welcome to the Coventry Family Information Directory [https://cid.coventry.gov.uk/kb5/coventry/directory/family.page?familychannel=0] – Main website link / search engine
Coventry Information Directory | Listings in Activities [https://cid.coventry.gov.uk/kb5/coventry/directory/results.page?familychannel=4_3] - Link to activities for children with SEND
Coventry ROCKS
The Coventry ROCKS website has information on a range of sessions, groups and events taking place in and around Coventry throughout the year. Please be aware sessions will not be SEND specific unless otherwise stated.
Visit the Coventry ROCKS webpage [https://www.coventryrocks.co.uk/] to find out more.
Coventry City Council Adult Social Care 'Internally Provided Services - Options for Young Adults with Learning Disabilities
This booklet has information regarding all the adult social care options across the city. There are contact details for social care at the end of the booklet if you require further information or wish to discuss with them suitability/how to access these services
internally-provided-services-options-for-young-adults-with-learning-disabilities [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/43056/internally-provided-services-options-for-young-adults-with-learning-disabilities]
Age range: 18+
'Schools Out' - Holiday Activities
Below is a list of other providers who may be running sessions/events over the school holiday periods for Children/Young People who have SEND.
Please note these sessions are NOT ran by SENDIASS so please contact the provider directly for more information / bookings.
*We cannot endorse any organisations, so we suggest you make contact to check suitability etc. prior to any bookings, if necessary. In some cases access may be dependent on meeting an eligibility criteria/charges may apply.
Organisations with regular holiday activities
LadyBug Lodge [http://ladybuglodge.co.uk/]
Lady bug Lodge provide accessible activities, events and recreational opportunities, support, information and advice for families of children and young adults (up to the age of 25) with special education needs or disabilities who reside in Coventry and the surrounding area. Ladybug Lodge offer 'Stay and Play' sensory sessions and activities, events and days out for children and young people with SEND throughout school holidays at community venues in Coventry.
Find out what's on this holiday via their webpage [https://ladybuglodge.co.uk/activities]
Coventry Family Hubs [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/familyhubs] 
Coventry Family Hubs have a range of sessions and activities for children and young people across the city. As well as their year round offer they often provide a 'holiday' programme including some sessions identified as being specifically for children with SEND.
Take a look at what is on over the holidays via the Family Hub website. [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/family-hubs]

The Coventry Wave: Quiet Time Sessions [https://thewavecoventry.com/times-prices/]
The Wave offer 'Quiet Time' swimming sessions tailored for children with SEND. These sessions aim to provide a calm and relaxing environment with no music and sensory toys in the lazy river.
The Wave also advertise accessible facilities throughout the centre.
Visit the Wave website for more information [https://thewavecoventry.com/times-prices/]
Tiny Tim’s Purple Planet Indoor Soft Play [https://www.tinytimcentre.co.uk/purpleplanet/]
Tiny Tim's intends on promoting integrated play with equipment designed for children who have SEND in mind. If your child has diagnosed SEND you can apply for a Tiny Tim's dicount card too.
Visit the Tiny Tim's Purple Planet website for more information [https://www.tinytimcentre.co.uk/purpleplanet/special-needs-play-card-revisions/]
Inclusive Dance Classes [https://www.ascensiondance.co.uk/inclusivegroups]
A collaboration between Ladybug Lodge and Ascension dance Company.
Ladybug Lodge [https://ladybuglodge.co.uk/] have partnered with A scension Dance Company to offer Inclusive dance classes for children and young people aged 4 - 25 specifically for those with additional needs and disabilities!
Visit the Ascension Dance 'Inclusive Groups' website [https://www.ascensiondance.co.uk/inclusivegroups] for more information.
Short Breaks [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/special-educational-needs-disabilities/short-breaks]
'Short Breaks' give children and young people who have a disability the opportunity to join in with an enjoyable activity away from their parents/carers. 'Short Breaks' are available for children and young people aged between 5 and 17 years of age (inclusive) who live in Coventry and meet the criteria.
*The window for booking activities is usually open prior to the start of the holiday period so we would advise you visit the Short Breaks website for more information. [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/special-educational-needs-disabilities/short-breaks]
Coventry Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) [https://protect-eu.mimecast.com/s/mKqwCElJZtB8Wx8h4mPhd?domain=coventry.gov.uk]
A programme of activities and fun available for school-aged children (reception to year 11 inclusive) who meet one or more of the criteria. This programme of events usually has both sessions inclusive to all children, and sessions specifically for children with SEND.
Visit the Coventry HAF webpage to view their Activities Programme. [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/haf]
Autism Friendly Library Session [https://librarycatalogue.coventry.gov.uk/whats-on#/events/88f27cda-572f-42d0-93c3-372f93837d0b] 
Coventry libraries offer a wide range of sessions including an 'Autism Friendly' session. Type 'Autism' in the 'What's on at your local library' search bar.
Visit the Coventry Libraries Webpage - 'What's on at your local library' [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/whatsonlibraries]
Autism café [http://www.stgeorgescoventry.org.uk/autism-cafe.html]
The 'Autism Cafe' started in 2019 and aims to provide a safe space for families with children with Autism to meet. Activities are provided for the children and parents can relax and chat over a cup of tea or coffee.
Visit the St.George's Church Website for more information. [http://www.stgeorgescoventry.org.uk/autism-cafe.html]
Roots to Branches Autism Network [https://www.facebook.com/RTBAN8]
'Roots to Branches' Autism Network is a self-funded charity. They offer a range of family sessions throughout the year as well as an 11+ youth club. Contact them to enquire about their 'holiday' activities.
Visit the 'Roots To Branches' website for more information [https://www.roots2branches.co.uk/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2NEOlzWbqy4AQbBsb0cBqD7Xp4Q5JG16CgEDvLCeCk7lQsdNc-PdI0u3I_aem_P4Fu9SSPNMIYr5G3fwDPUA]
Community Autism Support Service [https://casspartnership.org.uk/](CASS)
The CASS service has a ‘front door’ approach, meaning residents can access this all-age service through a single phone number and dedicated website. The service draws on the collective strengths of local organisations Coventry and Warwickshire Mind and Act for Autism, working in a collaborative partnership with Autism West Midlands. The CASS offer is broad and includes some group sessions and youth clubs. Some sessions are term time only so you would need to contact CASS directly to enquire if they are running any holiday sessions.
Visit the CASS website for more information and to enquire [https://casspartnership.org.uk/]
Coventry Sensory Tots
Coventry Sensory Team run FREE sessions for children with hearing/and or vision impairement all year round, please enquire for any programmes they are running during the holiday periods.
Contact 'Coventry Sensory Tots' to enquire and find out more [https://cid.coventry.gov.uk/kb5/coventry/directory/service.page?id=nqvMrH1i-Aw]
Midland Mencap [https://midlandmencap.org.uk/] 
Midland Mencap offer short break and community sessions for eligible children and young people in the Coventry area who have learning disabilities, autism, complex needs, mental health conditions and other associated disorders. These sessions aim to be fun and inclusive for children 5-19 years of age. Activities include fun play, arts and crafts, sport, cycling and community visits. Sessions are held weekends, after school and in school holidays.
To find out more visit their website [https://midlandmencap.org.uk/local-services/coventry/]
Witherslack Group
The Witherslack Group regularly run workshops and in the past have offered virtual holiday clubs including 'Science', 'Anime drawing' and 'Cook-a-longs' for children and young people with special educational needs. To find out about any current holiday activities/clubs they may be offering visit their website.
Witherslack Group Website - Events Page [https://www.witherslackgroup.co.uk/advice-and-support/events-and-webinars/]
Other websites/pages that may have information on 'holiday' groups/sessions/activities and events
‘Coventry Family Information Directory’
The Coventry family Information Directory may have further information of clubs, groups and sessions that may be of interest to you:
Coventry Information Directory | Welcome to the Coventry Family Information Directory [https://cid.coventry.gov.uk/kb5/coventry/directory/family.page?familychannel=0] – Main website link / search engine
Coventry Information Directory | Listings in Activities [https://cid.coventry.gov.uk/kb5/coventry/directory/results.page?familychannel=4_3] – Link to ‘activities’ for children with SEND
Coventry Information Directory | Listings in School Holiday Activities [https://cid.coventry.gov.uk/kb5/coventry/directory/results.page?familychannel=4_1] – Link to activities listed as ‘school holiday activities’ for children with SEND
‘Coventry Rocks’ website 
Coventry ROCKS also provides information on activities, events and clubs in and around Coventry (Not SEND specific unless stated).
Things To Do in Coventry | Family Events in Coventry (coventryrocks.co.uk) [https://www.coventryrocks.co.uk/]
CAFAG (Coventry Action for Autism Group) [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064488557805] 
CAFAG do not offer sessions themselves, however they do have a facebook page where you could ask other parents if they know of any local groups or sessions in the area that may not be listed above.
Visit their Facebook page [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064488557805]
SEND Parent/Carer Information Sessions - Other Providers
Below is a list of other providers who regularly run sessions and events for parents and carers (or provide information/advice). Not all sessions are specifically focused on SEND however may still be helpful depending on need and circumstances.
Please note these sessions are NOT ran by SENDIASS so please contact the provider directly for more information / bookings.
*We cannot endorse any organisations, so we suggest you make contact to check suitability etc. prior to any bookings, if necessary. In some cases access may be dependent on meeting an eligibility criteria/charges may apply.
CASS (Community Autism Support Service)
CASS run a range of sessions for parents and carers including a 'toolbox' workshop series. These sessions are short, 1hr topic-based online sessions for parents, carers and family members of autistic, or undiagnosed autistic, children in Coventry and Warwickshire. The toolbox sessions cover 25+ topics including 'anger and meltdowns',
Visit the CASS Eventbrite page for more information and 'what's on! [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/community-autism-support-service-cass-62721567983?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR11bbHBIpCEk8nHCd8x_EJN2JFL0Ybp51owyTubZkt2l-SJqNipY2E6eCU_aem_Z9SL_TZKA92FeREkly7KvA]'
Contact run various sessions and workshops for families with children who have additional needs. Many sessions/workshops are tailored to different child age groups, particularly younger children, but they also run a series of general workshops appropriate for parents of children of all ages. The workshops and information sessions cover a range of topics around caring for your child
Visit the Contact 'Workshops and Events' Page for more information and 'what's on!' [https://contact.org.uk/help-for-families/workshops-and-events/]
Coventry Parent Carer Forum in partnership with Entrust
Coventry Parent Carer Forum (CPCF) and entrust, offer a range of events and activities for families of children and young people with additional needs, covering a range of topics.Visit the CPCF Events and Activities webpage for more information and 'what's on! [https://www.coventrypcf.com/copy-of-forum-meetings]
Coventry Parenting
The Positive Parenting Team organise and coordinate programmes for parents and carers in Coventry, providing a wide range of parenting support for all Coventry families. Sessions are free, and include programmes such as: 'The Solihull Approach', 'Family Links', 'Triple P', 'Five to Thrive', and 'Positive Family Foundations' as well as a range of individual sessions designed to offer support, information and advice covering a number of topics. The site also links to a range of other parenting support across the city including some sessions tailored specifically around SEND Support.
Coventry Parenting: Courses/Sessions/Support page [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/children-families/positive-parenting]
Coventry Social Emotional and Mental Health and Learning Team (SEMHL)
Coventry's Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Learning Team (SEMHL) have produced information aimed at parents (and professionals) to help understand and support their children's additional needs.
With resources focussing on auditory processes, dyslexia, memory skills and gross/fine motor skills, the guides aim to give practical activities which can be used at home (and in educational settings).
SEMHL webpage - Information with Parents/Carers [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/social-emotional-mental-health-learning-team]
Coventry Complex Communication Team (CCT)
Coventry Complex Communications Team (CCT) regularly run a workshop series aimed at parents and carers of children and young people on the Autism Spectrum and/or with complex communication needs. Contact the via email to enquire about upcoming workshops:
Email: sendsupportservice@coventry.gov.uk
Complex Communication Team – Coventry City Council [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/coventry-send-support-service/complex-communication-team]
Coventry Family Hub / Virtual Family Hub
The Family Hubs [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/familyhubs] offer information on parent/carer sessions and events provided internally by trained hub workers and via partner organisations. Visit your local hubs webpage to view their timetable, or the online virtual hub to see parenting support available across the city, including those specifically designed around SEND support.
Coventry Family Hubs [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/familyhubs]
Coventry Virtual Family Hub [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/virtualfamilyhub]
Witherslack Group
Witherslack run a broad range of free SEN events and webinars, for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs across a range of SEND topics including ADHD/ASC/Mental Health.
Visit their events page on their website for more information [https://www.witherslackgroup.co.uk/advice-and-support/events-and-webinars/]
ADHD Foundation
The ADHD Foundation also offer a range of resources and webinars throughout the year.
Visit the ADHD Foundation website [https://www.adhdfoundation.org.uk/resources/] for more infomration.
The National Autistic Society
The National Autistic Society offers a range of resources and webinars throughout the year.
Visit the ' [https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/help-and-support]National Autism Society - Help and Support [https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/help-and-support]' webpage for more information. [https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/help-and-support]
Autism Central - Midlands Autism Hubs
Autism Central offers a range of resources and webinars throughout the year via the Midlands Autism Hub. Use their search filters to find available workshops in the Midlands.
Visit the Autism Central Events webpage to find out what's on [https://www.autismcentral.org.uk/events].
The Recovery and Wellbeing Academy
The Recovery and Wellbeing Academy is not a School, College or Academy in the traditional sense of the word. You don’t need to be academically minded to attend and there are no tests, exams or assessments. The Academy offers a wide range of trauma informed courses and workshops designed to empower your mental health and wellbeing, provided by a number of Partner organisations working together. Courses are delivered face to face and via online group sessions. All Academy courses and workshops are completely FREE OF CHARGE and open to anyone over the age of 18 living in Coventry and Warwickshire who wants to better manage or understand their mental health and wellbeing.
Recovery and Wellbeing Academy website [https://www.recoveryandwellbeing.co.uk/?fbclid=IwY2xjawFaV89leHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHbwysEyNhf01tGveO4QoV5DEsEiNA0WAVafMsjTdwkqK-KiRS76UwWGEuA_aem_8jRQDGLRa1Au51L2fGAtHA]