Steering group
The Steering Group meet twice a year and the main responsibility of the group is:
- To guide and monitor the work of the Service with particular reference to a policy framework and overall strategy.
- To receive regular reports on Service proposals and developments.
- To monitor financial expenditure.
- To monitor the effectiveness of the Service in accordance with national guidance.
- To ensure the Service operates impartially and provides service users with unbiased information, advice and guidance.
Can I get involved?
The group is made up a range of people with an interest or direct involvement in SEND IASS, from service users, educational settings, local voluntary groups, and the local authority. However, we are always looking to expand the group to ensure a broad involvement. If you would like to become involved, contact Chris Firth, SEND IASS manager, on 024 7669 4307 or email
The Steering Group met most recently in November 2019.